Moving to Czech Republic
How to move to Czech Republic and few tips about life in the country.
People moving to Czech Republic invariably think of Prague with its rich history. Prague remains the safest among tourist cities.
If you are a citizen of the European Union, moving to Czech Republic doesn’t have any visa problems as you can embark upon moving to Czech Republic without a visa. However, registration requirement is there as per which within 30 days of moving to Czech Republic national you need to register with what is called the local Alien Police Inspectorate. Most of the times this registration is taken care of, if you ask for it, by your hotel or by the organisation or the company which gives you the accommodation.
When you are moving to Czech Republic, it is incumbent on you to take your EHIC or European Health Insurance Card. The health care system is managed out of the funds received through the contributions of the scheme of social security which are compulsory in nature. You may be able to have a cashless treatment, when you are moving to Czech Republic, upon prior registration with the hospital you receive treatment from. You may find that that there are things left uncovered by your EHIC. For things that EHIC does not provide cover, you must look for other insurance plans.
When you are moving to Czech Republic, you will need the local currency at least till the time the process of moving to Czech Republic is completed. Czech Crown is the name of the currency with which business is transacted within the Czech Republic. Many people who are moving to Czech Republic find it necessary to reconfirm the details while changing money. The currency is referred to in its short form Kc or CZK.
Moving to Czech Republic gives you access to a rather well managed and well operated public transportation. While taxis are available easily and one can take them safely, in order to avoid being overcharged, it is better to call for one directly from a taxi company or to look for what they call locally a Fair Price Taxi Point.
When you are moving to Czech Republic, do bear in mind that the local laws in the Republic stipulate carrying personal identification papers or documents all the time with you.
After moving to Czech Republic, you are to know when you drive or even as a pedestrian and even on the zebra crossings, it is the tram which has the right of way. Keep this in mind as you drive or go out for a stroll or sight-seeing on foot.
When you are moving to Czech Republic, your time zone is in the slot of GMT +01:00.
As an EU national, when you are moving to Czech Republic, it interest you to know that you are entitled to the unemployment benefits if you possess residency certificate and proof that you were in employment in the Republic for at least 12 months in the preceding 36 months.
When you're ready to relocate, click here to book your removal to Czech Republic.
A sound and mature education system of global quality is what is available to your kids when you are moving to Czech Republic.