Moving to Norway
Practical information about Norway, its immigration policy and how to arrange removal to Norway.
Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) which comprises of the EU and three EFTA states; hence the nationals of the EU and EFTA countries moving to Norway get the facility to visit and work, without visa and work permit, subject to certain minimal conditions.
EEA nationals moving to Norway may stay in the country for a period of three months (90 days) provided they are financially self-sufficient. Family members of EEA nationals desirous of moving to Norway may do so, without a visa, for the same duration (90 days) provided they hold an EU/EEA Residence card.
If seeking employment is his purpose of moving to Norway, an EEA national has to register at a Norwegian job centre and with that he can reside in Norway for 6 months without a residence permit provided he establishes financial self-sufficiency.
EEA nationals moving to Norway to stay for over 90 days need to have a residence permit. Normally, their family members get included in their registration certificates.
However, in some cases, people moving to Norway may also have to separately apply for a residence card even though they may be from the EEA national's family.
It is not necessary for the family members to be moving to Norway along with or accompanied by the EU/EEA member.
Though citizens belonging to Schengen area moving to Norway are not subject to passport control, they may need a document to prove their identity and a passport is the most accepted document of identification.
For all other nationals a valid passport is necessary when they are moving to Norway. There are some nationals who are required to have a valid visa and a passport as well in order to enter Norway.
People who are keen about moving to Norway usually get their visa applications approved if the purpose is tourism, visiting relatives, business etc, for a period of three months.
Subject to certain specified countries and areas being excluded, most (if not all) the foreigners moving to Norway need to have a work permit if they want to work in the country. If you are in the category requiring a permit, you should note that this work permit needs to be obtained before you are actually moving to Norway. You are not permitted to wait for it to be secured after entry into the country.
There is no requirement for those citizens of the EU/EEA countries moving to Norway with an intention to work to seek or possess a work permit provided they have registered for obtaining a residence permit within a period of three months reckoned from the date of their arrival in Norway. This applies to the citizens of the UK as well.
Nationals of the EU/EEA moving to Norway on work and residence may be happy with the provision concerning health and social insurance as per which they are to be treated on par with Norwegians.
Language should not be an issue for the education of the children of foreigners moving to Norway for work or residence since there are many educational institutions offering International Baccalaureate, in addition to English speaking schools.
When you're ready to relocate, click here to book your removal to Norway.