Moving to Latvia
Information about Latvia and what to do before moving to Latvia.
Riga is the capital city of the Republic of Latvia which has a population of 2.3 million spread over 25000 square miles, 46% is covered by woodland and forest.
If you are moving to Latvia, you need the Lato or LVL for local expenses as LVL is the currency of Latvia. You need approximately 1.43 Euro or GBP 1.19 to buy 1 LVL.
Moving to Latvia brings you to a temperate climate and a country with its seasons equally distributed over the year.
If you are moving to Latvia, you are most likely to find the need to know the Latvian language and/or the Russian.
Moving to Latvia is without visa requirements for up to 90 days within a six month period if you are a citizen of the European Union, member states of the European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation. The waiver applies also to any person moving to Latvia if he is a national of an exempt country as per Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001.
However, all categories of foreigners moving to Latvia require a valid travel document whether visa and other obligations are required to be fulfilled or not.
If you are a family member of an EU citizen moving to Latvia, but you are not an EU citizen yourself, you are allowed to enter and reside in the Republic of Latvia for 90 days provided you possess a valid residence permit for a family member of a Union citizen issued in any EU member country.
If you are EU citizen moving to Latvia and have got an employment in Latvia, a work permit is also not necessary for you. This provision applies to any member of your family moving to Latvia.
An EU citizen desiring to be in Latvia for more than 90 days after moving to Latvia needs to register and receive a registration certificate. However it is not necessary if the stay is up to six months per year and is for seeking employment. After moving to Latvia, if an EU citizen is employed (or self-employed), he is entitled to receive a registration certificate.
As an EU citizen, you are entitled to a permanent residence certificate if, after moving to Latvia, you have resided in Latvia continuously for five years.
When a family member is not an EU, who after moving to Latvia, has stayed in Latvia for five years or less than five years if the foreseeable period of residence is also less than five years, the family member can get a residence permit for a family member of a Union citizen.
If you are moving to Latvia, you will find Entry and Residence Wizard useful; you find relevant information about entry and residence in Latvia, i.e., what documents are required and where application forms can be obtained or documents submitted. Step by step, as prompted, the person moving to Latvia supplies information about the anticipated stay until the final page summarizes the requirements or the application procedure.
When you're ready to relocate, click here to book your removal to Latvia.