Moving to Portugal
Practical information about Portugal and how to arrange a cost-effective removal to Portugal.
When you are moving to Portugal, do you know that you are moving to a country which has been producing wine from its own grapes for well over 2,000 years?
No one moving to Portugal even on very short trips misses savouring the local cuisine and the wines – Madeira, Port and Vinho Verde.
If you are a Briton moving to Portugal, you may like to know that about 50,000 Britons live there and over two million British visit the country annually. Compare this with the total population of 10 million.
It is more likely that when you are moving to Portugal for work, you stay in the capital city Lisbon or its suburbs which together house about 20% of the total population of the country.
Many expats moving to Portugal find it interesting to see that the climate has sharp variations between the regions within Portugal.
Foreign nationals moving to Portugal, from those countries which have signed arrangement with Portugal, may do so with either an identity card or its equivalent.
An EU Citizen, moving to Portugal, can stay in Portugal for any number of days not exceeding 3 months.
Moving to Portugal for longer than 3 months’ stay, or for working in Portugal, calls for an application to be made to the immigration officials (SEF) for a certificate which is valid for five years or for the actual period of intended stay – whichever is shorter.
Such a certificate is necessary also for the dependant relatives moving to Portugal.
Permanent residence can be applied for by those EU nationals who have resided in Portugal for a consecutive period of five years.
If you are a citizen of any of the EU countries and moving to Portugal for work, you do not need to take a work permit nor is there a need for you to register; however registration with Caixa is required for insurance purposes. It is advised that you sign a formal contract of employment. In fact, you can be moving to Portugal as a tourist and then decide on taking up employment.
If it is only for six months that you are moving to Portugal, you are permitted to drive in the country, with your UK licence, or an international licence, or the EU licence.
Should you, however, become a Portugal resident, you are required to obtain a local licence unless what you already have is an EU licence which is current.
If you are leaving the UK and moving to Portugal with your car, arrange to get what is called the green card from an insurance company to cover you in Portugal and don’t forget about cover for damage to third-parties.
What about payment of taxes on your income? When you are moving to Portugal, this aspect needs professional assistance. The basic principle, in this regard, is that income earned locally is taxed locally. UK citizens moving to Portugal may however be happy to note that there is a double taxation avoidance agreement between the UK and Portugal as per which they will not be taxed twice though filing of the tax returns is required.
When you're ready to relocate, click here to book your removal to Portugal.
Euro is the official currency in Portugal.